Beckett - 3 month lifestyle session - Oshkosh, WI

April 01, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

3 months old

getting settled into this new life.  she knows who mom and dad are, she knows what she likes (and doesn't like), loves getting wet kisses from her big brother & sister, but doesn't like tummy time very much 

today didn't start out as one of her happiest days,

but that's life... it isn't always all smiles...

baby crying, in home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographerbaby girl cryingbaby crying during in home child photography session in Oshkosh, WI

but things turned around, and she ended up having a great session

baby feet, baby toes, close-up, hand holding baby feet, 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, mom holding baby feet
hand holding baby's feetclose-up of baby feet in hand
i think my crib is call'n my name baby sleeping, 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, mom holding baby, baby sleeping on shoulder, b&w, black and white, b&w baby picture
b&w baby sleeping on shoulderblack and white baby sleeping on mom's shouler baby sleeping, 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby sleeping in crib, baby with book, baby sleeping on Dr Seuss book
baby sleeping on book3 month baby girl sleeping in crib on Dr Seuss book baby sleeping, 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby sleeping on pink teddy bear, baby sleeping in crib, pink bear on purple crib sheets
baby sleeping on teddy bear3 month baby girl sleeping on pink teddy bear in crib baby sleeping, 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby sleeping in crib, looking between slats in crib
baby sleeping in crib 3 month baby girl sleeping in crib between slats 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby sleeping in crib, baby sleeping on pink teddy bearbaby sleeping on bear3 month baby girl sleeping in crib on pink teddy bear 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, mom holding baby in rocking chair, baby in nursery, green nursery room, mom rocking babymom holding baby in rocking chairmom holding 3 month baby girl in rocking chair in green nursery 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, mom rocking baby, baby sleeping in mom's arms, b&w, black and white baby photographyb&w mom holding baby in rocking chairb&w picture mom rocking baby in rocking chair in nursery  

3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, close-up of mom holding baby, baby holding mom's handmom holding baby close-upclose up of mom holding baby with baby holding finger 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby in mom's lap, mom rocking baby, baby in rocking chair, black and white, b&wbaby on mom's lap in rocking chairmom rocking baby in rocking chair in nursery black and white 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby holding mom's finger, mom holding sleeping babybaby sleeping in mom's arms3 month baby girl sleeping in mom's arms holding finger     3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, mom holding baby, baby looking at camera, natural lightbaby smiling in mom's lapmother holding smiling baby looking at camera

3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby sleeping in crib, natural light baby photographybaby in cribbaby sleeping in crib looking from head down 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, baby sleeping in mother's lap in rocking chair, baby sleeping in nursery, natural lightmom rocking sleeping babybaby sleeping on mom's lap in rocking chair in nursery 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, natural light, natural light baby photography, baby on mom's shoulder, baby smiling, baby smiling on mom's shoulderbaby smiling on mother's shoulder3 month baby girl smiling on mother's shoulder 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, mother holding baby in green nursery, mom looking at baby, natural light photographymom holding baby in nurserymother holding 3 month baby girl in nursery 3 month baby picture, in-home photography, on location photography, on-location photographer, lifestyle photography, newborn photographer, Oshkosh newborn photographer, Oshkosh lifestyle photography, Oshkosh child photographer, natural light photography, pet photography, dog, mastiffmastiff looking at babythe family pet watching over baby

lifestyle photography... if you are interested in having an in-home session like this of your child(ren) and family, please contact me.  I would love the opportunity to capture this very short time in your baby's life, so you can cherish these moments for a lifetime.


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